Our rates for honest tutoring
Our rates
No hidden fees or lesson bundles here. Whether you need a single tutoring session or a comprehensive study plan, Eduvik offers transparent pricing with no surprises. You only pay for the lessons you receive, and the number of lessons you take doesn't affect the price per lesson.
Free from mandatory lesson bundles
No administrative fees
Having difficulties to afford our average hourly rates? Contact us for Educare.

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How are prices determined?
Prices are shown as average because teachers are free to set their own prices with us. Some of the factors that determine the final price are:
Level of education
The level of education for which tutoring is sought can influence costs.
Teacher experience
Teachers with more experience or specializations may have a slightly higher hourly rate.
Location of the tutoring
The location of the tutoring can also play a role. On-site tutoring may incur additional costs compared to online tutoring.
No hidden costs
No administrative fees
With us, you can create an account and submit a lesson request completely for free and without obligation. There is no charge to use our platform or submit a request.
No lesson bundles
We do not work with fixed contracts or packages. Each lesson request is optional and can be terminated at any time. We do ask you to inform us if lessons are no longer necessary.
No matching fee
We do not charge for matching you with your ideal teacher. This way, you can focus on finding the support you're looking for without worrying about extra costs.
How do we sustain Eduvik financially?
At Eduvik, our primary goal is to provide quality tutoring at fair prices to as many people as possible. While we strive for operational efficiency, we also need revenue to cover our costs. Our teachers collaborate with us through two different financial models.
Fixed cost per hour with sharing economy
Some teachers choose to work with us through a sharing economy model. They pay a fixed cost of €13 per lesson hour. Due to 21% VAT and a 10.7% sharing economy tax, Eduvik retains only €5 per lesson hour from this amount.
Fixed cost per month as a freelancer
Other teachers work with us as freelancers. In this model, they pay a fixed monthly cost of €25, regardless of the number of lessons they teach. This model is more cost-effective for teachers who teach regularly, as it allows them to save on expenses.
Didn't find what you were looking for?

Jan Kunen
Pedagogical coordinator
Jan is here to help you
Jan is your go-to person for finding the perfect tutor. Reach out via email or phone with your questions, and he'll gladly assist you.
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