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Eduvik & you for the win on the RMA admission test

Do you want to prepare for the admission tests for the Royal Military Academy (RMA)? At Eduvik, we offer professional tutoring to help you pass these challenging exams.
A tick in a hexagon
Fair prices for top quality tutoring
A tick in a hexagon
Flexible learning with feedeback after each lesson
A tick in a hexagon
Collaboration with your school for best results
A military vehicle off-roading.
Platform recognized by the Belgian government
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Op ons kan je rekenen

We got you covered

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Starting price

Increase your chances of success in the KMS with targeted support

A career in the army requires thorough preparation, especially before the Royal Military School (KMS) entrance exam. At Eduvik, we offer tutoring that helps you master the required subjects and competencies.

Why choose


tutoring at Eduvik?

The entry requirements for the KMS are strict and require a strong knowledge of mathematics, science, and language skills. Our tutorials help you refresh your knowledge and prepare you for the issues you can expect in the exam.
Een lesgever geeft uitleg aan een aantal lagere school studenten.
Middelbare school student die achter zijn computer werkt en huiswerk maakt.

What makes


tutoring useful?

Our KMS entrance exam tutoring helps you to:

A tick in a hexagon
Strengthening academic knowledge and skills
A tick in a hexagon
Developing effective study techniques for the entrance exam
A tick in a hexagon
Building self-confidence for both written and practical components
A tick in a hexagon
A tick in a hexagon

How does


tutoring work with us?

Our tutors will guide you through the various parts of the exam and practice with questions from previous exams. We offer both online and physical classes, so you can prepare at your own pace and take the entrance exam with confidence.
een driehoek met een uitroepteken om een belangrijk element voor te stellen
Opgelet: online lessen worden vaak dezelfde dag nog ingevuld, terwijl het bij fysieke lessen soms tot twee weken kan duren om een geschikte lesgever te vinden.

Submit your request for



Choose the subject
, the level, class duration, maximum price and location for a customized application for your child.
Information entry - Login section on the website, where personal information is entered.
Course selection on the Eduvik platformSelection of online, home tutoring, on-site tutoring.

Choose your ideal match for


Find your ideal
tutor for your child among several customized offers.
Screenshot of the Eduvik platform displaying tutor information.

Receive immediate feedback

Receive automatic updates on newly scheduled classes and feedback after each class given.
Screenshot of a lesson on the Eduvik platform.Tutor feedback - Section to give feedback on tutors with star ratings.StatisticsExample of a math lesson entered on the Eduvik platform

Meet our teachers


All our
tutors are carefully screened based on three factors: personal interviews, a scoring system by and for parents, and internal controls by our tutoring agencies.
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Tursted partner of dozens of schools

They are already counting on us

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Hoe snel kan mijn kind starten met voorbereiding voor het toelatingsexamen van de KMS?

Wij bieden zo snel mogelijk ondersteuning om te beginnen met de voorbereidingen voor het toelatingsexamen van de KMS, meestal binnen enkele dagen. Voor online sessies is de wachttijd vaak korter.

Wat houdt de bijles voor het toelatingsexamen in?

Onze lessen focussen op de onderwerpen die op het toelatingsexamen van de KMS worden behandeld, zoals wiskunde, fysica en ruimtelijk inzicht, naast teststrategieën en oefenexamens.

Hoe helpt bijles bij het behalen van het toelatingsexamen voor de KMS?

Onze bijlesgevers geven structuur en overzicht, waarbij ze essentiële vaardigheden aanleren die specifiek gericht zijn op de onderdelen van het toelatingsexamen van de KMS, om zo de kans op succes te vergroten.

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Jan Kunnen, Eduvik COO. Contact for parent & student inquiries.
Jan Kunen
Pedagogical coordinator

Jan is here to help you

Jan is your go-to person for finding the perfect tutor. Reach out via email or phone with your questions, and he'll gladly assist you.
Book of free conversation

Want to tutor yourself?

Is it itchy to help young people yourself and earn some nice money on the side?
en een aardig zakcentje te verdienen?